Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия № 18 г. Томска
Anikin Stone
This geological monument of nature is an outcrop of sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic basement. Because Anikin Stone consists mainly of shale rocks, only mosses and lichens grow there. Small fish and crustaceans swim around it. "Anikin Stone" is declared a monument of nature and specially protected natural area of regional importance in Tomsk oblast.
Location: Tomsk oblast, Tomsk region, 8 km. upper from Yarskoye village, 37,5 km. from Tomsk in the south.
It is believed that it got its name after the name of the peasant who had some territory there.
Anikin stone
Автор: Полев Дмитрий, ученик 6Б класса
МАОУ гимназия № 18 г.Томска

Anikin stone consists of sedimentary and magmatic (intrusive) rocks.
The rocks are represented by:
• mudrocks and mudshales (gray, carbonaceous, strongly fissured)
• siltstones, sandstones (gray, noticeably calcareous, parallel- and cross-bedded)
• limestones and calcareous siltstones (gray, finely fragmented in the lower part of the sequence, Horizons with rich fauna, shells and brachiopod core, crinoid segments, fish teeth and fragments of bryozoans are located in sequence.
• pyrite (dissemination of nest-shaped clusters in all lithological varieties of rocks, is most often confined to siltstone interlayers, forming large crystals which sizes reach up to 6 mm).
The outcrop is adjacent to a steep pit (up to 20 m high) of a slightly inclined watershed plain, composed of eluvial, lacustrine-eluvial and loess-like loams.
The occurrence (direction of occurrence), the depth of occurrence
A characteristic feature of the Yarskoye sequence (Anikin stone is its outcrop) is a rhythmic horizontal stratification that appears in clayey rocks in the form of thin interlayers of siltstones and sandstones.
Rocks of sandy-silty composition reveal an oblique lamination and ripple marks, which orientation is close to meridional. In addition, traces of the underwater landslide are visible in the sequence (in calcareous siltstones, sandstone nests are observed, with a deformed stratification that does not coincide with the stratification of the enclosing rocks). The sequence is from 700 up to 1500 meters.
Age of rocks
Fossils in the interlayers of shales in the lower part of sequence refer to the Lower Carboniferous period of Paleozoic Era, that is 300-360 million years ago.
Part of the tectonic structures:
Kolyvan-Tomsk folded zone.
Types of rocks, their name. It consists of sedimentary and magmatic (intrusive) rocks. The rocks are represented by:
• mudrocks and mudshales (gray, carbonaceous, strongly fissured)
• siltstones, sandstones (gray, noticeably calcareous, parallel- and cross-bedded)
• limestones and calcareous siltstones (gray, finely fragmented in the lower part of the sequence, Horizons with rich fauna, shells and brachiopod core, crinoid segments, fish teeth and fragments of bryozoans are located in sequence.
• pyrite (in the form of dissemination of nest-shaped clusters in all lithological varieties of rocks, is most often confined to siltstone interlayers, forming large crystals, the sizes of which reach 5-6 mm).
The outcrop is adjacent to a steep pit (up to 20 m high) of a slightly inclined watershed plain, composed of eluvial, lacustrine-eluvial and loess-like loams.
Impressions of fossil plants and animals:
The fauna is represented by brachiopods (Syringothyris cuspidata Mart., Spirifer subgrandis Rot., Dictyoclostus semireticulatus Mart.), Pelecipods (Nucula oblonga M, Coy., Polydevcia tomiensis Lapshina), solitary corals, sea lilies, vegetative detritus and worms. According to the brachiopod fauna, the age of the stratum is Tournaisian.

Right bank of River Tom forms a cape with a height of 30-35 m., that is 8 km above Yarskoye of Tomsk region and 37.5 km in the south of Tomsk. Near the water it has a large stone platform protruding into the river. It is called Anikin Stone.
"Anikin Stone" is a root outcrop of siltstones, clayey shales and sandstones of a bright suite of the Lower Carboniferous, which extends into the River Tom. The deposits of the lower part of the section form a stone cape (approximately 100 * 30 m). The length of the outcrop is approximately 80 m, the height above the river level is up to 10 m. The outcrop is adjacent to a steep ditch (up to 20 m high) of a slightly inclined watershed plain, composed of eluvial, lacustrine-eluvial and loess-like loams. Archaeological excavations are carried out on the plain adjacent to the monument.
Flora and fauna of the territory: Mosses and lichens.
Significance for human: Scientific, educational and aesthetic.
Regularly, archaeological excavations are carried out near the natural monument. The findings go back to the late Bronze Age. One of the first descriptions of this outcrop belongs to the geologist, Professor M.E. Yanishevsky. It was published in 1915 in the works of the Geological Committee.